Ross Carlson's Story

ROSS CARLSON - Loss 47.3 kilos
KING 2018 -2019 – DIV 4, 5 & 6
Ross and his wife Jan have been overweight most of their adult lives due to their lifestyle, loving fast food,
chocolate and soft drinks. Ross needed a hip replacement but the surgeon would not do the procedure
because Ross’s weight was too high. In 2016 Ross and Jan went on a cruise and came back bigger than ever.
They found they did not enjoy the holidays because they could not walk very far and missed seeing the
sights and attractions. In 2017 they purchased a two storey house which made them realise how unfit they
were, struggling to climb the stairs. So they joined a gym, but the weight still did not budge. While walking
in the pool Ross met Peter, the leader of Newtown TOWN Club, and also Daryl, a member of Newtown
TOWN whose weight loss has been amazing. Ross was very impressed so they decided to go along to a
meeting where there was a guest speaker who they found very informative. They were made very welcome
and not at all self-conscious about their weight, as they realized that everyone at the Club had been where
they were at that time.
They joined Newtown TOWN on 4th October 2018 with Ross weighing 156.1 kilos and Jan weighing 106.1
kilos. Ross is now down to 106.1 kilos and still losing and Jan down to 81.9 kilos. Through the advice of
members, guest speakers, club booklets they have learnt to change their eating habits and size of their
meals. They cut out all fast foods, sugar, most breads, rice and soft drinks. They go to the pool and gym five
times a week and look forward to their weigh in every Thursday night as they compete against each other to
see who has lost the most. Ross’s hip has improved since losing weight.
Ross has won many Club awards being King of the Week and Month and also Club King of the Year with a
47.3 kilo loss.
As a Club Newtown is very proud of both Ross and Jan and both have lost 32 weeks in a row – no gains!
Jan and Ross have said that TOWN has changed their lives; they are healthier, happier and more active.
Ross – 156.1 kilos
Jan – 106 kilos
Ross – 108 kilos
Jan – 81 kilos
Special thanks to Elwynne Blacksell for compiling article.
Chairpersons Address
Recognition Night 2018/2019
I urge you all to be inspired with the achievements of our individual Club winners presented here tonight and
to use either their amazing weight loss or maintenance of their weight loss to inspire and motivate you to
stay the course on your own individual journey.
I always leave Recognition Night with a renewed sense of purpose and a dogged determination to always
try to strive towards better choices. I need to be more mindful of holding on to this mantra as the year
progresses and as always I look to my own Club and its members to help me stay on track. One cannot
underestimate the support and encouragement that can be found within the ranks of your own Club.
I am confident that the winners presented here tonight will also tell similar tales of the great levels of support
and guidance that they have enjoyed during their weight loss journeys. This support is what sets TOWN
apart and indeed many long standing friendships have been formed within Clubs.
No man is an Island and that is never truer that within any TOWN Club.
I commend the committees and members of our Clubs who are always willing to be that guiding light, that
soft place to land and that friendly face that is often the difference between staying the course or giving up.
Achieving goals and dreams and striving towards healthier choices is not always easy, most things that are
worthwhile in life aren’t easy.
Hold your head up, lace up your walking shoes and keep heading in the right direction.
Who knows it may be your smiling but nervous face I’ll see walking towards me next year.